Today morning we are waking after 8am. We have a adventure trip over the sea bed planned for the afternoon.

- 14:00 – Starting the trip
- 14:20 – 15:45 – Hike to the hill Komsa from where is a nice view to Alta surroundings.

- 16:00 – 16:35 – Shopping food supplies.
- 17:00 – 20:15 – Hike over the narrow sea strip to the small island near Russeluft. The sea has been in a low tide so we could almost cross on dry land. It has been quite an adventure – in some places we had to take the shoes off and wade in the crystal clear water on soft sand with many small shells. On the island we found a good off the wind place and had a snak. But shortly afterwards there came a black cloud, strong wing a rain so we got totally wet on the way back. We also tested that the shoes impregnation is working fine sice we need to cross a few small streams.

One reply on “Day 4 – Alta”
Všechny vás zdravíme obrázky z cest jsou nádherné a já jen připomínám Matýskovi a Péťovi ať si najdou nějaké hezké kamínky na památku, stačí docela malé, ale hezké. Mít kamínek z takových zvláštních míst – to je něco !! Mějte se hezky – ahoj – babička